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Drying luffa gourds


Luffa gourds are members of a family of tropical plants that include many varieties of cucumbers and squash.

Growing luffa gourds

Luffa plant trellis

They are also known as sponge gourds or Egyptian cucumbers.

Did you know …? Plant experts (botanists) divide a map into “growing regions” that help local gardeners know which plants can thrive where you live. Do you know your region? Click the button below to find out!

Dry Hollow Farm is located in western Tennessee.
According to the map, we are in Plant Hardiness Zone 7a.

Why is this important for growing luffas?


Luffa plants are only hardy up to Zone 7, because luffa gourds require 200 frost-free days to fully mature.


Mature Luffa gourd


Soil temperature must be 70 degrees before a luffa seed will germinate. Luffa vines love 90+ degree days for successful pollination.

Scroll through the slideshow below to watch our luffa seeds grow:


Because of our climate, we start many luffa seeds in our greenhouse throughout the early spring.


Luffa seedlings

Luffa seedlings

Did you know … ? Although most gardeners grow luffas to use as sponges in the bathtub or for washing dishes, many also pick luffa gourds to eat when they are young vegetables.

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